If there’s such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a dog. Not a junkyard dog, but my dog, Lexie. Three years ago, I convinced my husband that we needed a dog.
I went on Craigs List and posted that I was looking for a poodle mix, 30 pound dog. I got all kinds of responses. Late one night a woman who volunteers at the local animal shelter contacted me. She said she knew that I was looking for a poodle mix but that a dog had been adopted. Unfortunately the young lady who adopted the dog brought it home only to find out that her boyfriend was allergic to dogs. She asked if we would be interested.
Needless to say, we fell in love. Her name was Sybil. No offense to anyone out there named Sybil, but I just couldn’t call her that. So we renamed her Lexie.
Lexie wasn’t house trained. In fact, she was pretty wild. The first time I left her home alone this is what she did to my husband’s valuable, hand-carved duck decoy.
We found out that she’s a Basenji, Cattle dog mix. Her strengths are hunting and herding. She looks like a fox to me.
She’s mostly trained but when we got her she was pretty wild. She chewed right through the siding on our house hunting for a chipmunk. We had to hire our local dog whisperer for training. It was definitely worth it.
We taught her to swim and she loves being in or near the water.
Three years later, we all agree that Lexie’s addition to our family has been wonderful for all of us. I would definitely recommend adopting a shelter animal. Please feel free to share your pet owner experience and post pics of your pet on the Kimversations Facebook page.
1 comment
God bless you for it! We fostered dogs until we ended up with one of our own.
You took a great, loving pup, and gave her a wonderful home! May you all share in many more years of joy!