It seems like it was just yesterday that Justin went to his first semi-formal dance. It was a really, really big deal. Because well, you know, GIRLS. And we all …
Change is something I usually embrace and welcome. Some things, however, it’s hard to change. When it comes to hair and makeup I find it especially hard to make a …
I love boots and practically live in them from October to March. I’ve got boots for every possible purpose – work or play. What I didn’t have *until now* is …
I recently learned about an amazing local jewelry designer. Who? Elizabeth Scott. She specializes in making jewelry inspired by nature. She’s got a wonderful Etsy shop AND she’ll even do …
If you’re a 40-something like me you probably remember special family meals eaten at a table set with crisp linens. Or maybe you remember being tucked into a bed with …
Summer officially began this week. I certainly am not a fashionista but I pay attention to what’s in style. What’s really important to me is that my wardbrobe does double duty. On any …