You’d think that since we only live two hours apart, our families would get together more than twice a year. We try. We really do but it’s hard when you’ve got teenagers, aging parents you’re caring for and an ever-growing family (cue the grandchildren!). So I was super happy that my sister and her crew (husband, twin 15-year-olds, grown sons and THEIR kids aged 4 months and two) could make it up for Easter weekend. Easter equals lamb which equals leftovers which equals leftover lamb curry! More on that later . . .
The crew showed up on Friday evening and we had a fantastic time eating, drinking Old Fashioneds and staying up wayyyyy too late.

There’s nothing like hanging out around the table just enjoying each other’s company.
Everyone had to head out on Sunday so we had our big meal on Saturday. Saturday was beautiful. The last day in March was mild and sunny. We spent most of the day outside.

My niece Chloe, Mair (my nephews’s girlfriend) holding my great niece Rosalie and me.
As usual I went a little overboard with meals. On the menu:
- Spiral Ham – 9 lbs.
- Boneless Leg of Lamb – 9 lbs. (grilled using Ina’s recipe. Thanks Ina!!!!)
- Pickled Beets
- Asparagus
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Rolls
- Dessert (Banana Pudding & Strawberry Shortcake)
Everything was fantastic but the lamb was the star of the dinner. I poked holes in the lamb and added slivers of garlic then marinated in for two days in plain Greek yogurt, lemon juice and rosemary. The yogurt seems to take away the gamey taste that lamb can sometimes have. So even non-lamb lovers will like this way of preparing it.
Anyhoo with ham AND lamb, there were definitely leftovers. My favorite leftover lamb recipe is lamb curry. Here’s how I made it.
I’ve also made this using yogurt in place of coconut milk. When I do that I use broth and at the very end, I remove the curry from the heat and stir in yogurt. I’ve made this many times. This recipe is really versatile. You can even add potatoes or cauliflower to switch things up a bit.Would love to hear your favorite recipes using leftover lamb! Share yours below.