This recipe for Ham, Cheddar & Swiss Chard Quiche was inspired by an abundance of fresh eggs, Cabot cheese, deli ham and a handful of swiss chard picked from the …
One of the things that brings me the most satisfaction is coming up with a recipe using ingredients I already have on hand. I try my best to plan meals but …
I have a confession. I love plates. I inherited two sets from my grandmother and I have two sets of my own – and I use them all. Seriously. My …
Recently I did some informal research using Twitter. The tweet? “What veggies WILL your kids eat?’ @AmandaMagee: “Cucumbers, corn, peas, cherry or grape tomatoes, broccoli, celery, sugar snap peas” @susie_parker: …
There’s nothing like a fresh tomato and this time of year they’re in abundance. This year I grew a variety of tomatoes. In addition to Roma and Jet Star I …
I made pickles in less than half an hour! Yup, it’s true. They came out great and are a real hit. And the best part is that they are crunchy. …