A few years ago my father-in-law sold his house in Green Bay, Wisconsin and gave me his industrial strength blender. Until it arrived at our house, it was primarily used to make daiquiris and margaritas. Since our family acquired it, I bet the poor machine probably wonders what’s become of it’s former glamorous life.
Most of the time I use the blender to puree vegetables or make creamy soups. Justin loves to make smoothies. When he was home from college for his five week winter break, he made a smoothie just about every morning. He’s got me drinking them now. I find that they’re a great way for me to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet.
One thing I like to use is frozen fruit. When my bananas start to get a little more brown than I like, I throw them in the freezer – peel and all. I find that buying frozen fruit, especially in the winter when fresh fruit isn’t in season, is more economical. My new favorite is frozen mangoes.
When I use frozen fruit, I don’t usually end up using ice cubes so my smoothie is jam-packed full of fruit. This is one of my favorite smoothie combos.
Orange Pineapple Mango Smoothie Makes one 10-12 ounce smoothie 1/3 cup orange juice 1/2 cup fresh pineapple 1/2 cup Dole frozen mango 2 tablespoons Stonyfield strawberry yogurt
Place all the ingredients in a blender. Blend till smooth.
1 comment
I am currently eating frozen mangoes – and now I want to throw them into a smoothie! hope you had a nice weekend!